About John Lamb

John Lamb has a passion for being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
John’s grandfather, Truman Austin Lamb, was a pioneer of freedom in his day, homeschooling his own children.
Born at home in Florida, in an orange grove, John remembers as a small boy the government overreach, even in that time, effecting his family. His father Stephen, had to eventually seek another line of business than the commercial fishing he loved, when strict regulations put him and his brothers out of business.
Settling in Indiana on a farm, John grew up hoeing potatoes, raising sorghum, tapping maple trees, growing gardens, milking cows and doing mechanical work with his evangelist father who also pastored a few small churches. John eventually started up his own business Lamb Brother’s Tree Service.
Growing up and hearing stories such as Indiana versus Schwartz affected John deeply. In Indiana versus Schwartz the National guard troops assisting state and local law enforcement, raided multiple Amish homes across the state of Indiana, removing over 700 Amish children and placing them in foster homes for months while their parents fought to get them back. The only law these parents broke was homeschooling.
When John was 19 years old, he listened to the radio, terrified, as a single family near Sandpoint Idaho was under siege and being attacked by an overreaching government. 13 year old Sammy Weaver was shot twice in the back while attempting to run to the safety of his home, after hidden snipers from undisclosed locations shot and killed his dog. The following morning FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot his mother, Vicky Weaver, while she stood in her doorway holding her infant daughter.
A short five months later, the government struck again with the US army, and Texas and Alabama national guards. This time a church and school in Waco Texas, was the target and culminated with charred ruins and seventy six people, twenty one being children, burned to death.
After marrying, John moved to Missouri with his wife where he continued his tree service. He ran many other businesses as well, including a canoe rental on the Gasconade River and a Construction Business.
Years later, John moved his family to the beautiful Montana, where he, his wife and their twelve children now reside, in the beautiful small country town of Norris, on a small farm.
He cares deeply about all who are hurt, mistreated, or falsely accused and imprisoned. He advocates for cases such as Andrew Kearse from New York, who was left to die as he begged for help, handcuffed in the back seat, by police; for Schaeffer Cox from Alaska, who is curently serving prison time for an alleged thought crime; David Hinkston from Idaho, who recently died in prison while serving an unjust sentence; Jeff Weinhaus, from Missouri, serving 30 years after police shot him four times, while he never even pulled a gun; Yori Kahl, and Scott Faul from South Dakota, who remain in prison for crimes never committed; Leonard Peltier, a Native American, arrested for a protest off the Pineridge Indian Reservation; and Erik Garner from New York, who was choked to death by police .
His passion is to hold government accountable, and to end qualified immunity for bad actors within government; to remember the prisoner and to fight for life, liberty and justice for all.